How to Contribute

Getting Started

Contributing to open-source projects is rewarding. Here's how to get started:

  1. Fork the Repository: Click 'Fork' on the project's GitHub page.
  2. Clone the Repository: Run git clone in your terminal.
  3. Create a New Branch: Run git checkout -b feature/your-feature-description.
  4. Make Your Changes: Follow the project's coding standards.
  5. Commit Your Changes: Run git add . and git commit -m "Your descriptive commit message".
  6. Push Your Changes: Run git push origin feature/your-feature-description.
  7. Open a Pull Request (PR): Go to your forked repository on GitHub and click 'New pull request'.


Contributors play a vital role:

  • Functionality Adders: Introduce new features.
  • Code Cleaners: Improve the existing codebase.
  • QoL Enhancers: Improve usability and enjoyment.
  • Bug Hunters: Find and fix bugs.

Basic Code Practices

  • Coding Style: Follow the project's coding style.
  • Docstrings and Comments: Include comprehensive docstrings and comments.
  • Functions and Modularity: Break down code into reusable functions and modules.

File Adding

  • Language Preference: Prefer Python, Batch, or PowerShell.
  • File Naming and Organization: Follow the project's directory structure and naming conventions.

Coding Rules

Printing Rules

  • Python Users: Use CODE/ for output and logging.
  • Other Languages: Start messages with appropriate keywords (INFO:, WARNING:, ERROR:).

For Python's CRITICAL Method:

  • Filecode: First letter of the filename, or first two if it starts with an underscore.
  • Errorcode: U for Unknown, G for General, P for Privileges error, C for Corruption, O for OS errors, L for Library Errors.
  • Functioncode: X for Unknown, first letter of the function name, BA for base code, C# for class and first function letter, CC# for nested class in a method.


Acknowledge contributions in using this template:

### File-Created by Your-Username
What you did, created, removed, or refactored.
- [Your GitHub Username](Your GitHub Link)
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